Society’s Comfort with AI Driven Orchestration

Society’s Comfort with AI Driven Orchestration

Society’s Comfort with AI-Driven Orchestration  Let’s face it. Machines making decisions for us still makes many of us uncomfortable. And well it should. There’s an entire ethics conversation around the morality of self-driving cars, AI-based weaponry, and even the...
Big Breaches and Lessons Learned

Big Breaches and Lessons Learned

Looking back at the most headline-worthy breaches of the not-so-distant past will unveil a surprising truth: it’s the little things that get us. One slip, one duped employee, one chink in the armor and the castle can fall. All too often, these mistakes are the result...
Healthcare Industry Tops Charts in Ransomware Loses

Healthcare Industry Tops Charts in Ransomware Loses

When the University of Vermont Medical Center took a massive ransomware hit in the middle of Covid-19, people’s lives were on the line.  One phishing email and the whole network was on the fritz, sending staff scrambling. “Everything was down… We no longer had...